3 min readJan 15, 2022

Scala:Railway oriented programming primer

Railway oriented programming is a two-track style of chaining functions together, with the green representing the success track and red representing the failure track. This post is to explore why this style came into being.

One of the ideals in the functional programming world is the concept of total functions where total functions are functions that would return the correct output value for every possible input that it can take. This specifically means that the function should not throw exceptions. If a function can throw exceptions, then it is no longer a total function. From the consumer’s perspective, it can no longer be sure that the function would always return the right result. So, we aspire to create total functions that just always works.

However, that is not always possible as there can be error conditions. That is where an abstraction that represents a tuple with either the output or the error comes in. Either is the abstraction.

Now, you feel equipped to represent real worldly situations much better and your functions also achieve the ideal of a total function. Once you have functions returning eithers, the clients of these functions would start handling the success result and the failure results separately. In a system, you will tend to have a chain of hundreds of functions which handle left and right of the eithers. That does indeed look like a railway network.

A simple function returning an Either as below. String on the left is used to capture the error condition.

def doubleIfEven(n : Int) : Either[String,Int] ={
if(n % 2 == 0)
Right( n * 2)
Left("Odd number")

If the caller calls this function with a “good” argument, he gets a Right.


If the caller calls this function with a “bad” argument, he gets a Left.

Left(Odd number)

To extract the actual value from within the either, use a map function. Assignments are not ideal in the functional programming world.


If the condition was a failure, the map would just not execute.

No output

A simple right to right chaining would look as below

def doubleIfEven(n : Int) : Either[String,Int] ={
if(n % 2 == 0)
Right( n * 2)
Left("Odd number")
def doubleIfOdd(n : Int) : Either[String, Int] = {
if( n % 2 == 1)
Right(n * 2)
Left("Even number")
.map(r => doubleIfEven(r).map(println))

Here, the green track from the doubleIfOdd is continuing through the green track of the doubleIfEven . So, the input of 1 comes out of the green track of doubleIfOdd as 2 and serves as the input of doubleIfEven and comes out of the green track of doubleIfEven as 4.

Error flows

If the first input is even, then the flow does not continue at all as shown below.

*No ouput*

Passes through first function but not through the second function

Left(Not a six fold number)

Written by Learn

On a continuing learning journey..

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